1,000,000+ Page Views on The MIX!

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Really happy to announce today that The MIX (Management Information Exchange) has surpassed One Million page views! This is huge in many ways, mostly because The MIX is a great case study that goes against the grain in how people typically consume and create content on the web today...and it's working. It's a website that addresses and challenges the  current management dogmas of today. It's about encouraging the universe to hack the management methods currently used to build better management practices and then share those practices. It takes time to keep up with and you need to have your thinking cap on when using The MIX because the content tends to be a longer read but INCREDIBLY intellectually stimulating. It's something I and many of my colleagues read every day.

If you have not done so yet, and you are interested in how to be part of a world wide effort to learn and change how we manage our businesses today, then I strongly recommend you visit the website today here.

What's more, The MIX is currently featuring a Management 2.0 Challenge which is currently getting a lot of attention. You can check that out here.

If you've read Gary Hamel's book, The Future of Management, this website will really be of interest to you. You can get the book here.

If you're curious, here are a few of our posts about The MIX from the nostalgia files: